Thursday, July 07, 2011

Don't like to exercise? Dance!

I have always dreaded the idea of having to exercise every day! I didn't want to walk anywhere unless I had a destination, or at least someone to walk with. I was too out of shape to jog. I bought an elliptical trainer, and since it has sat in my closet unused because frankly, it's BO-RING! So when I was reading, "The 17 Day Diet" and got to the part about exercise, I started scratching my head. I didn't know what kind of exercise I could do that would keep me interested, focused and not give up immediately.

On the second day of the diet, I turned on some tunes and was ready to drag the ol' elliptical out of the closet, when I decided to just start dancing. Now, I must admit that I am a terrible dancer and I would hate for anyone to catch me doing it. You know that saying, "Dance like no one's watching"? Well, that's the only time I CAN do it. Trust me - flailing arms, the junk in the truck carelessly being whipped around and the occasional karatesque moves wrapped in one package is not a pretty picture. But, it's FUN and doesn't even feel like I am exercising - well, aside from the sweat pouring down my face. And who would have known - sweating can actually feel good. On top of all that, I am so thirsty afterward (even though I drink water while I am doing it), that I get at least 2/8 glasses of water out of the way in a short amount of time.

Below are the songs I have been using for my "dancing" exercises. Maybe they might get you up dancing, too... or give you nightmares imaging ME actually trying to dance to them.

The point is... if you like to or have to sit on your butt as much as I do, or you are confined to an office cubicle all day and the last thing you want to do when you get home is put on your running shoes and go for a jog or run on the treadmill, put on some music and get your groove thang on!

If you have any song suggestions for me, please leave me a comment!

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